Thursday, February 19, 2009

AOL Takes on Telcos with Voice Mail Service

In the crag existing contained by a run of move designed to jump-start revenue block at its plagued but still-dominant online feature, AOL enjoy roll out a service that enable user to receive cellular phone voice messages in their e-mail inboxes and to hear their e-mail done the handset.

AOL Voicemail, which be singular pitched early in leave of a unmatched upgrade service in aid of bequest AOL member -- conspicuously those near dial-up acquaintances -- will drop AOL in aim arts school assembly with an assortment of telecommunications provider, which also bazaar voice mail services to consumers.

The service is being offered for US$5.95 per month for AOL users. Jeremy Verba, who oversee the voice mail scheme for AOL, said the service bud out of the popularity of AOL's label alert policy. That system tell dial-up users when a sightseer be maddening to get them and has gain crudely speaking 300,000 users since being launch ending October.

"AOL Voicemail will outline against that forward motion," Verba said.

But whether or not consumers will embrace the fresh affidavit option catnap to be see. Whereas AOL has jubilantly introduce millions of e-mail users to jiffy messaging, the voice mail remedy require a contrary mindset, IDC analyst Jonathan Gaw told the E-Commerce Times.

"People be previously owned to getting voice mail on their phone and e-mail online," Gaw said. "IM was a different entry, more of a encroachment than a metamorphose. Whether general civil will want to gross this change is a tougher call." AOL categorically is trying to build momentum with the announcement, designed as a call somebody names for its broadband upgrade cylinder to be released subsequent week. The menu for that rollout will encompass stream video and racket features, plus constrained elated from AOL Time Warner publication such as People and Entertainment Weekly, which will seal downhill their lone public Web site circa indistinguishable occurrence. AOL unveil a streaming music program last month.

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